At my daughter's suggestion I started fixing bacon in the oven a while ago and will never go back to the frying method. Her recipe called for a higher temperature than yours, so I put a piece of parchment over the bacon to avoid splatters in the oven. Works great. To save on paper towel usage when draining the finished bacon I fold up several pieces of newspaper and put a single layer of paper towel on top and place the bacon on that. It soaks up the bacon grease nicely without using half a roll of paper towels. If I only need a couple of pieces of bacon, I forgo the oven method and cook them in the microwave using a mulit-layered technique; paper plate, several layers of newspaper, paper towel, bacon, paper towel. I'm sure that most of your readers have used a similar method, but to me it is worth writing down if it makes one persons' cooking life easier. General day-to-day cooking is not my favorite chore, and it is comment sections such as this that makes this chore easier, so thank you all for taking the time to write down your experiences.
December 17, 2017 at 12:09pm