I had some starter in a sealed glass jar someone gave me a long time ago and I just stuck it in the refrigerator and forgot about it. It's a few years old, at least, and today I took it out after reading you can revive old starter. It didn't have any hooch, or a hard crust, and it wasn't discolored or had obvious mold. It was more like a thick paste (like shortening), and smelled funky but not horrible. I followed the directions to revive a few hours ago and already see a few bubbles forming. My question is, is the starter really okay after being neglected for years? I tried to find the answer on the internet but had no luck.
June 3, 2020 at 8:26pm
I had some starter in a sealed glass jar someone gave me a long time ago and I just stuck it in the refrigerator and forgot about it. It's a few years old, at least, and today I took it out after reading you can revive old starter. It didn't have any hooch, or a hard crust, and it wasn't discolored or had obvious mold. It was more like a thick paste (like shortening), and smelled funky but not horrible. I followed the directions to revive a few hours ago and already see a few bubbles forming. My question is, is the starter really okay after being neglected for years? I tried to find the answer on the internet but had no luck.