I babied my starter, even taking it with us on our holiday visit to family, feeding it faithfully, and finally, back in my house in the oven with the light on, it began to be foamy with that lovely yeast smell (took 14 days). I was to bake it Sat morn. Then, Fri night, my husband turned on the oven...and didn’t realize my starter was still in there until the plastic Pyrex lid had melted and most of the starter was cooked. I scraped off a spoonful still “raw,” then scraped off a tiny bit soaking from a previously used container, and started over. Lo and behold, 28 hours and 4 feedings later, I might just be able to make that first loaf Sunday morning instead of Saturday! Shoutout to Michael Pollen for the idea to make sourdough and thank you so much for this helpful blog made by such nice people.
December 3, 2017 at 12:08am