Jessica, you can use whole wheat flour (white or traditional) to feed your starter but there are a few things to consider. First, whole wheat flour has a higher mineral content that makes it ferment faster than all purpose flour. This means that you will need to be more vigilant about letting it rest at room temperature as it can go bad and spoil faster. You will need to perform feedings more frequently (ideally about 4-6 hours at room temperature), and you can also expect a thicker consistency.
One option you have is feeding and maintaining your starter regularly with all purpose flour and then switching over to white whole wheat about two feedings prior to baking. It will essentially covert to a whole wheat starter by this point, and it will be easier to keep leading up to then with all purpose. Feel free to give our Baker's Hotline a call for more details: 855-371-BAKE(2253). Kye@KAF
April 3, 2016 at 10:31am
In reply to On day 2, you say to add unbleached AP flour and later to feed … by Jessica Lutz (not verified)