Years ago when I lived on a farm in Missouri someone gave me a bushel of perfectly ripe peaches. I purchased a bunch of foil pie pans for the project. The recipe I had for frozen unbaked pies said to brush the inside of the uncooked pie dough with melted shortening, fill it, then brush the top of the crust with melted shortening before freezing. I made about 12 pies and they were the best pies I ever made. I baked them frozen. I don’t recall where that recipe came from.
November 16, 2019 at 8:53am
Years ago when I lived on a farm in Missouri someone gave me a bushel of perfectly ripe peaches. I purchased a bunch of foil pie pans for the project. The recipe I had for frozen unbaked pies said to brush the inside of the uncooked pie dough with melted shortening, fill it, then brush the top of the crust with melted shortening before freezing. I made about 12 pies and they were the best pies I ever made. I baked them frozen. I don’t recall where that recipe came from.