I tried to read all the comments, questions, and answers, but I didn't see this one. I hope I'm not repeating a question.
I mixed up a batch of this dough last night and it's in the refrigerator right now. I can't wait to bake a loaf for my girls to enjoy when they get home from school!
My question involves the 6 quart container and lid. I purchased the very one you used for this blog entry. Jeff and Zoe's book says not to use an air-tight container. I can't figure out whether I should put the lid on all the way, or leave it slightly open. Can you clarify?
This dough doesn't need an airtight (read snapped on here) lid - just closed enough so the dough doesn't develop a dry crust. Irene @ KAF
January 12, 2010 at 9:57am