I'm conflicted about these...the crust was magnificent, I did heat a cast iron pan in the bottom of my oven and tossed in a tray of ice cubes when I put the bread in. I did not like that the baguettes spread out instead of up, but I think that is workable. Most of all, the flavor was just "eh" to me, even though I let the dough sit for several days before I baked them. The dough smelled delightful, but once baked there just wasn't much to them. I have two chunks in the freezer, I'm curious how they'll do when I thaw and bake them.
As always, thank you for all you do.
Thanks for the review! It is great to get real world results, especially with the details included. To improve the oven spring of the baguettes, you might want to lose the ice cubes and use 1 cup of boiling water. Ice gives a relatively slow humidity rise in the oven. It is not really influencing oven spring like immediate steam will. Frank @ KAF.
May 16, 2012 at 9:46am