Question: You think this dough would be suitable to make a mock-braided filled loaf, like the one described in the King Arthur 200th Anniverary Cookbook?
Hi Cheryl,
I haven't made this dough yet, but it sounds reasonable for what you are describing. I'll pop a note over to PJ and see what she thinks. ~ MaryJane Sure would, Cheryl - the only thing is, you might want to make the braid with fatter strands; as I mentioned earlier, as this dough warms up, it does become quite sticky and hard to work with. The last things you want to be doing is get midway through the braid, and all of a sudden it's just too darned sticky to work with anymore. Maybe make two small braids, keeping the dough refrigerated right till you're ready to go? Also, use plenty of flour on the board... Have fun - PJH
June 17, 2009 at 11:30am