I am new to bread baking and wanted to try sourdough bread. I have tried both the extra tangy sour dough bread and the whole wheat sourdough with sunflower seeds and cracked wheat. In both cases I weighed out the ingredians. My dough was so sticky I could hardly handle it. Both breads came out fairly flat. The ET bread did have a good flavor and texture. The whole wheat bread also had a good texture but the bread seamed very moist when it was sliced. The internal temperature was 210F when I removed it from the oven. I know humidity can be a concern but in this case it was a relatively dry day. Any suggestions for the sticky dough?
Hi, Dave. Everything you describe here indicates too much moisture in the dough (the fact that it was so sticky and wet even after baking). It's possible your starter was very much on the liquid side, instead of a pancake batter consistency, and that would have thrown off the proportions of liquid to flour in the recipe. Susan
September 14, 2010 at 9:02pm