In the recipe you use sugar. Is it to make sure the starter is well "fed"? If so could we not subsitute with Diastitic malt? If so, how much to use and what other differences would we expect? Thanks for the great picctures and ideas in making this bread.
Yes, the sugar is to give the starter readily available food. Diastatic malt powder has enzymes that convert the starch in flour into sugar, giving the yeast "fast food". Diastatic malt powder is not food for the yeast in and of itself, it's just a helper. Frank @ KAF.Larry, just leave the sugar out, if you object to it. The yeast will manage to forage around and find food. Or substitute an equal amount of NON-diastatic malt or barley malt syrup, if you prefer. PJH
May 4, 2009 at 4:25pm